Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I have to agree more with Fritz Fischer because I feel that Germany had too much to do with the starting of the war.  They went ahead and made plans even knowing the risk and they pushed a localized war in hopes that it didn't spark a world war.  Because of these blatent risks in the face of a devastating world war I feel that Germany has to be the most to blame.  I in no way believe that the war is entirely Germany's fault.  There were many other factors in play at the time.  But the actions of Germany prior to World War I are difficult to ignore.  Without the intervention of Germany, the Austria Hungary/ Serbian conflict would not have grown so large, which would not have brought Serbia's ally Russia in, which in turn sparked the mobilization of militaries around Europe.  In my opinion Germany is the most to blame.


  1. But what about other countries that also failed to prevent war? Do you think Russia had a big role too because of the fact that they made Austria-Hungary believe they would intervene? Without Russia maybe it could have been a localized conflict, because Russia wouldn't have to pull in France and Britain wouldnt be involved either.

  2. I agree with Billy that Germany had a lot to do with the outbreak of war, but I don't think that Germany alone caused the war. Alliances of other countries, such as France and Russia also played a part, as did the war plans of other European countries. Germany is not solely to blame for WWI, but does have share a great part of the blame.

  3. If Britain had clearly stated that it would support the Russian Franco Alliance, then Germany would have stopped all efforts for war for fear of the British military power.
    If France had restrained Russia, the war could have remained a local conflict and not a world war.
    The actions of other nations were so important in the causing of World War I that it is unfair to Germany to place all of the blame solely on it.

  4. I think the building of alliances between countries is really what pushed World War I to break out. Like Billy said, Germany became involved in the Austria-Hungary/Serbia conflict, making it a much larger scaled war. Playing off of what Josh said, Britain's absence of a declared ally may have caused a role in starting the war as well. With so many alliances forming, a small conflict in one country can become a World War.
