Thursday, October 20, 2011

Question from pages 89-91

Would the Irish revolution have been more successful with the 20,000 guns and ammunition in the ship that was scuttled on the way to Ireland?


  1. No, but it would have distracted Britain and it would have drawn British resources to a conflict other than Germany. It seems like the US wanted to get involved in the war at some time and in some way, and if the Allied needed us earlier, we probably would have joined earlier. If nothing more, we loaned a lot of money and supplies to the Allies, and if they lost, so did we.

  2. It makes sense that Germany would want a revolution in Ireland. The distraction of Britain would largely benefit Germany in that some of Britain's military focus would not be aimed at Germany. Because Britain was known to be one of the most powerful countries, Germany would pull much of the military heat off of themselves.

  3. I think the British would have been more likely to let a German invasion through Belgium slide if they had problems of their own to deal with (conflict in Ireland). As it was, I think that Britain didn’t have too much concern about the state of Belgium, but simply used it as an excuse to get involved in the war. If Britain hadn’t been sitting twirling her thumbs in the years before the war, then perhaps they would have been less interested in a war on the mainland.
